Social Media Marketing

Social Media has the power to change the world and your business too.

Boost brand recognition

Half of the world's population uses platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, and Pinterest, so if you're not marketing your products and services on these, you're losing a significant portion of your customer base and giving your customers to your competitors because you're not competing with them.

Over 90% of those polled stated they use YouTube to find new products and brands. And more than 73% stated they discovered new products on social media while surfing.

Customers' hearts must be won

Social media gives you the opportunity to gain your customers trust, belief, make an emotional impact on their mind and heart. You should definitely not miss this golden chance to market your product over social media and acquire a loyal customer base who will never fail to grow your business if you will market it correctly and efficiently.

Sales are boosted with the help of social media

All social media profiles should be well-optimised and capable of gaining visitors' confidence and converting them into customers. Social networks will become increasingly significant for product discovery and ecommerce as the number of individuals utilising social media continues to rise and social sales tools expand.

Content promotion

Using social media to promote your content is a terrific method to get your insightful, well-researched content in front of new people, showcasing your expertise and expanding your community. Make sure you have a content marketing strategy in place to get the most out of social media for the company.

Maintaining brand’s management

The presence of your business on social media might assist you in managing your brand's reputation. You can easily keep track of your clients who are encountering problems and discussing them on social media, as well as anyone who is suggesting your product to others due to their positive experience with it.

Customer support

People expect businesses to be active in social media and to leverage their social accounts for customer support — and more than half of social media users expect to get the answer within five hours. Digital PRC can assist you with message management across all of your social media platforms, emails, and live chat.

Helps in preparing customer persona

In real time, social media delivers a massive amount of data about your clients. You can leverage that data to make more informed business decisions. The analytics can provide specific demographic data about your customers, which will benefit you in developing a better strategic plan for communicating with them.

Generate more leads

Many social networks offer advertising formats specifically tailored to capture leads because lead generation is such an essential benefit of social media for companies.

Helps in tracking competitors approach and performance

You'll also be informed when your competitors introduce new items, conduct discounts, or publish fresh reports or statistics if you keep an eye on them on social media.